Belief in the Day of Judgement,
or Al Qiyamah, is compulsory on all Muslims, with the
concept being part of the six articles of
Islamic faith.It is the Day that will mark the
end of the world - a day in which Allah
will resurrect all of mankind who had ever lived on the
Earth to judge them by their deeds and assign for them
Paradise or the Hellfire.
The people will be gathered on a
featureless, flat expanse of ground and the sun will be so
near that some people will be submerged in their own sweat,
the level of which depends on how evil or good they were
during their life on Earth.Muslims are urged to prepare for
this Day by following as closely as they can the teachings
of Prophet Muhammad (may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon
him) and worshipping no one but Allah.
Some important aspects of the
Day of Judgement include:
- Surety –
Muslims must believe that this Day will occur. As Allah
says in the Quran, Surah Al Hud, verse 103: “In that is
a Sign for those who fear the penalty of the Hereafter:
that is a Day for which mankind will be gathered
together: that will be a Day of Testimony. Nor shall We
delay it but for a term appointed.”
- Time – No
one knows when the Day of Judgment will be, not even the
Prophet or the
Angel Jibreel (Gabriel), as mentioned in
a narration in which the Angel asked Muhammad (may
Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him) when the Hour
was, and the Prophet replied: “The person being asked
has as much knowledge about this as the one asking.”
Major signs
– there are many signs that point to the Day of
Judgment, and one of the biggest signs is the rising of
the sun in the west. Once this happens, Allah will no
longer accept any prayers. For those who disbelieved,
they will see for real what they had disbelieved in.
- Start – the
Day of Judgment will start when the Angel Israfil blows
the horn.
- Everybody’s record is being maintained during
his life period. It is very accurate record. The day of judgement is the day
of justice. No body will be wronged. His limbs will be his witness. He will
see his record and his video film will be shown to him. Everyone will be
rewarded or punished according to his deeds. The Quran in Sura “The Israelite”
says; “Everyman’s fate we have fastened on his own neck. On the Day of Judgment
we shall bring out for him a scroll, which he will see spread open. Read thine
record sufficient is thy soul this day to make out an account against thee”.
- As justice is the main concern of Islam it is
necessary that people should get justice in this world and the world hereafter.
It sounds natural and logical that everyone should reap what he has sown. One
should receive the fruit of his deeds. If one has sown flowers he should pluck
flowers. If one has sown thorns he should pick thorns. Virtues breed virtues
and vices breed vices. The Day of Judgment in the Quran has been also named as
the Day of Reckoning, the Day of Resurrection, the Dooms day or the Day of
Accountability. The account of the deeds of everyone is being maintained.
Islamic concept of two angels maintaining the record of ever word and movement
is scientific. The video has solved this mystery. The alpha and beta rays have
special role in photographic process. The Gamma rays play their own part. It
is a great lesson. If through material rays we can preserve activities there
should be no doubt about our record preserved by the special divine agencies.
The Quran in Sura “The Friday Prayers” announces: “The death from which you flee
will truly overtake you; then will you be sent back to the knower of the things
secret and open; and He will tell you (the truth) of the things you did.”(62:8)
As the literal meaning of Arabic word used for
the Day of Judgment “Qayamah” is to raise up, hence the question arise as to why
they should be raised up after demise. There are three reasons for “Qayamah”.
(a) It is the demand of natural and divine justice that everyone should get the
result of his life examination. As in academies one is given result of his
tests, similarly everyone must get the result whether he passes or fails. About
the examination of Life in Sura “The Bee” the Quran says: “Whoever works
righteousness, man or woman, and has Faith, verily to him we will give a new
life, a life that is good and pure, and we will bestow on such their reward
according to the best of their actions.” (16:97). (b) Had there been no concept
of the Day of Judgment there would have been no human morality. Might is right
would have become the law of the day. Atheists are of two types. The
ideological atheist and the practical atheist. The practical atheist is the one
who claims to have a religious faith but in practical life he acts otherwise.
It is my considered opinion that the man who believes in God and fears God can
never be a sinner or a transgressor. Hence to maintain the supremacy of Right
over Might we must believe in the concept of the Day of Judgment. The concepts
of Hell and Heaven are very essential to keep balance in human conduct. The
tyrants, the oppressors, the murderers and the aggressors must be punished. If
they escape in this world because of their power, pelf and influence they must
be punished on Doomsday. Abraham must be rewarded and Nimrod must be
chastised. Moses must be rewarded and Pharaoh be punished. Hussain be rewarded
and Yazid be punished. It is divine justice and God promises that. In the
Quran in Sura “Abraham” about the virtuous and righteous people God says; “But
those who believe and work righteousness be admitted to gardens beneath which
rivers flow. To dwell therein for aye with the permission of their
lord.”(14:23). (c) All the prophets have promised this day. They were sooth –
sayers. They were divinely appointed. They were not liars. They were the
messengers and warners sent from God. We must believe in their words and vows.
We have no reason to reject or refute them. They valiantly, patiently and
boldly bore the inflictions and excesses. They were tortured. They were
persecuted. They were executed. But they never bowed before tyrants and
vicious forces. Their steadfastness and perseverance testifies the truth of
their mission when such truthful people believed in the Doomsday, we have no
reason to disbelieve in which they believed. Now let us briefly discuss the
Quranic logic about the Day of Judgment. The Quran refutes the plea of the
unbelievers who say that how it can happen. After death when we will be turned
into dust, then how can we resurrect? The Quran in Sura “Yasin” announces;
“Does not man realize that we created him from a seed of fluid? Yet he does not
believe and forgets even his own creation. He says as to who could revive the
decayed bones back to life from nonentity.” (36:79). After giving the argument
of first birth the Quran gives the second argument. It says: “one of the clear
divine signs is that you see the earth dead and motionless, but as soon as Allah
pours rain on it, it comes to life and becomes fertile and green. Allah who
revives the dead earth to life will also revive the dead man to life. Allah is
able to do all things: (41:39). Then in Sura “Saad” the Quran gives third
argument on the basis of Justice. It is related to the Islamic concept of Good
and Bad. The Quran says: “We have not created the heavens and the earth and all
that is between them in vain, though this is the belief of the infidels. Woe to
the disbelievers; they will suffer the torment of the Hellfire. Do we consider
the righteously striving believers equal to the evil doers in the earth? Are
the pious ones equal to those who openly commit sins?” (38:27-28).
These are the Quranic arguments about the Day of
Judgment which no same person can reject. In verse 20 of Sura The Iron, in
verse 20 of Sura Winding Sand Tracts and in verse 200 of Sura The Heifer the
necessity of the Day of Judgement is mentioned. In Sura Mominun in verse 100
about ‘Barzakh’ (purgatory) the Quran says: “After death people will be behind
Barzakh until the day of their resurrection. (23:100). According to the Quran
it will be a great blast and earthquake. On the Day of Judgment people will
emerge from their graves and congregate. The unbelievers will be raised with
black faces and the righteous one with bright faces. The virtuous will be given
the book, result sheet in to their right hands and the evil doers will be given
in to their left hands. It will be an eternal life. May Allah grant us
guidance to do good deeds and abstain from evil deeds!
Thanks sir.I am very thankfull to you for information